Pm news nigeria newspaper

PM News is a Nigerian newspaper that was founded in 1993. It is a daily newspaper that covers news, politics, sports, and entertainment. Here are some of the key features and sections of PM News:

Headlines: PM News features a range of headlines that cover national and international news, including politics, business, sports, and entertainment.

News: The newspaper has a dedicated news section that covers a wide range of topics, including politics, business, sports, and entertainment.

Opinion: PM News has a strong opinion section that features articles and editorials from prominent Nigerian writers and thinkers.

Sports: The newspaper has a dedicated sports section that covers local and international sports news, including football, basketball, tennis, and more.

Entertainment: PM News has a dedicated entertainment section that covers news and features on Nigerian music, movies, and other forms of entertainment.

Business: The newspaper has a dedicated business section that covers news and features on Nigerian business, finance, and economics.

Editorials: PM News features editorials and opinion pieces from prominent Nigerian writers and thinkers.

Letters to the Editor: The newspaper also features letters to the editor from readers, which provide a platform for Nigerians to express their opinions and engage with the newspaper.

Online Edition: PM News also has an online edition that features the same content as the print edition, as well as additional online-only content.

Frequency: PM News is published daily, Monday to Saturday.

Circulation: The newspaper has a wide circulation in Nigeria, with editions available in major cities such as Lagos, Abuja, and Port Harcourt.

Target Audience: PM News targets a wide range of readers, including business professionals, politicians, students, and individuals interested in news, politics, sports, and entertainment.

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