Please dont leave nigeria fg to foreign airlines

I understand your concern. It's true that the Nigerian government has been criticized for ceding too much control to foreign airlines, which has led to concerns about the country's economic sovereignty and the potential loss of revenue.

Here are some reasons why it's important for Nigeria to maintain control over its aviation industry:

  1. Economic benefits: By retaining control over its aviation industry, Nigeria can generate more revenue from aviation-related activities, such as airport fees, taxes, and other charges.
  2. Job creation: Local airlines and aviation companies can create more jobs for Nigerians, which can help reduce unemployment and stimulate economic growth.
  3. National security: Allowing foreign airlines to dominate the industry can compromise national security, as they may have access to sensitive information and infrastructure.
  4. Cultural preservation: By supporting local airlines, Nigeria can preserve its cultural heritage and promote national pride.
  5. Infrastructure development: Local airlines can invest in the development of Nigeria's aviation infrastructure, such as airports and air traffic control systems.

To address these concerns, the Nigerian government has taken steps to promote the growth of local airlines, such as:

  1. Establishing the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA): The NCAA is responsible for regulating the aviation industry in Nigeria and ensuring that local airlines comply with safety and security standards.
  2. Providing incentives: The government has offered incentives, such as tax breaks and subsidies, to encourage local airlines to invest in the industry.
  3. Promoting public-private partnerships: The government has encouraged public-private partnerships to develop airport infrastructure and other aviation-related projects.
  4. Supporting local airlines: The government has provided financial support to local airlines, such as Arik Air and Air Peace, to help them expand their operations and compete with foreign carriers.

However, more needs to be done to promote the growth of local airlines and ensure that Nigeria's aviation industry is sustainable and competitive. Some potential solutions include:

  1. Increasing funding: The government should increase funding for the aviation industry, including support for local airlines and infrastructure development.
  2. Improving regulatory framework: The NCAA should strengthen its regulatory framework to ensure that local airlines comply with safety and security standards.
  3. Promoting competition: The government should promote competition in the industry by encouraging new entrants and providing incentives for local airlines to expand their operations.
  4. Developing airport infrastructure: The government should invest in the development of airport infrastructure, including terminals, runways, and air traffic control systems.

By taking these steps, Nigeria can promote the growth of its local airlines and maintain control over its aviation industry, while also ensuring the safety and security of its citizens.