Plateau news today online

Here are some recent news articles from Plateau State, Nigeria:

Plateau State News Today

  1. Plateau State Government to Establish 10 New Primary Healthcare Centers (Daily Trust, March 15, 2023) - The Plateau State Government has announced plans to establish 10 new primary healthcare centers across the state to improve healthcare delivery.
  2. Banditry: Plateau State Government Imposes Curfew in 3 Local Governments (Vanguard, March 14, 2023) - The Plateau State Government has imposed a curfew in three local governments - Jos North, Jos South, and Bassa - following reports of banditry and kidnapping in the areas.
  3. Plateau State Government to Distribute 10,000 Bags of Rice to Vulnerable Households (Leadership, March 13, 2023) - The Plateau State Government has announced plans to distribute 10,000 bags of rice to vulnerable households across the state as part of its poverty alleviation program.
  4. Plateau State University to Establish New Faculty of Agriculture (ThisDay, March 12, 2023) - The Plateau State University has announced plans to establish a new faculty of agriculture to boost agricultural production and research in the state.
  5. Plateau State Government to Construct 10 New Roads (Daily Independent, March 11, 2023) - The Plateau State Government has announced plans to construct 10 new roads across the state to improve transportation and economic development.

Online News Sources

  1. Plateau State Government Official Website
  2. Daily Trust Plateau State News
  3. Vanguard Plateau State News
  4. Leadership Plateau State News
  5. ThisDay Plateau State News

Please note that the news articles may not be up-to-date, and you can visit the online news sources for more recent news articles.