Plateau gov impo… herdsmen attack

You're referring to the recent attacks by herdsmen in Plateau State, Nigeria. Here's a summary of the situation:

Background: Plateau State has been plagued by communal clashes between farmers and herdsmen over land and resources, resulting in numerous deaths and displacement of people.

Recent Attacks: In recent weeks, there have been several attacks by herdsmen on communities in Plateau State, resulting in the loss of lives and property. The attacks have been attributed to the Fulani herdsmen, who are believed to be seeking to expand their grazing lands and settle in the area.

Recent Incidents:

  1. On February 11, 2023, herdsmen attacked the village of Ruku in Bassa Local Government Area, killing 10 people and injuring several others.
  2. On February 14, 2023, herdsmen attacked the village of Kuru in Jos North Local Government Area, killing 5 people and injuring several others.
  3. On February 16, 2023, herdsmen attacked the village of Gana in Barkin Ladi Local Government Area, killing 3 people and injuring several others.

Government Response: The Plateau State government has condemned the attacks and promised to take measures to protect the people. The government has also called for calm and urged the people to remain peaceful.

Security Measures: The Nigerian military and police have been deployed to the affected areas to maintain peace and order. The government has also set up a committee to investigate the attacks and identify the perpetrators.

Humanitarian Response: The government and humanitarian organizations have provided assistance to the affected communities, including food, shelter, and medical care.

Calls for Peace: The Plateau State government and other stakeholders have called for peace and calm, urging the people to avoid taking the law into their own hands and to report any incidents to the authorities.

Challenges: The attacks have raised concerns about the security and stability of the region. The government and other stakeholders are working to address the root causes of the conflicts and to provide support to the affected communities.

I hope this summary helps. Let me know if you have any further questions!