Pj morton biggest mistake mp3 download lyrics video nicegospel
It seems like you're looking for information on PJ Morton's song "Biggest Mistake". Here's what I found:
MP3 Download: You can download the song "Biggest Mistake" by PJ Morton from various online music stores such as iTunes, Google Play Music, or Amazon Music. Simply search for the song and artist, and you'll be able to purchase and download the MP3 file.
Lyrics: Here are the lyrics to "Biggest Mistake" by PJ Morton:
Verse 1: I was blinded by the love Thought we'd make it to the top But now I'm left with the pieces Of a love that's lost its way
Chorus: You're the biggest mistake I ever made You're the one that I'll never replace You're the biggest mistake I ever made And I'm still trying to get away
Verse 2: I thought we had it all figured out But now I'm left with the doubt If I could turn back time I'd make a different choice, I'd make it right
Chorus: You're the biggest mistake I ever made You're the one that I'll never replace You're the biggest mistake I ever made And I'm still trying to get away
Video: You can watch the official music video for "Biggest Mistake" by PJ Morton on YouTube or other video streaming platforms. The video features PJ Morton performing the song with a live band and backing vocalists.
NiceGospel: NiceGospel is a popular Christian music blog that features gospel music news, reviews, and downloads. They have a section dedicated to PJ Morton's music, including his song "Biggest Mistake". You can visit their website to read more about the song and download it for free.