Pixars onward banned by four middle east countries over gay reference

Yes, that's correct. Pixar's latest film, "Onward," was banned in four Middle Eastern countries due to a brief reference to a same-sex couple in the movie.

The film, which was released in March 2020, features a scene where a character, Officer Specter, is shown to be in a same-sex relationship. The scene is brief and not explicitly sexual, but it was still deemed offensive by some countries in the region.

The four countries that banned the film are:

  1. United Arab Emirates (UAE)
  2. Egypt
  3. Jordan
  4. Kuwait

The bans were reportedly issued by the countries' censorship boards, which deemed the film's content to be "inappropriate" and "contrary to the values of the society."

It's worth noting that the film's director, Dan Scanlon, has spoken out about the importance of representation and inclusion in the film, and has said that the brief reference to the same-sex couple was intended to be a small but significant moment of representation for the LGBTQ+ community.

The bans have been criticized by many in the film industry and LGBTQ+ advocacy groups, who argue that they are discriminatory and harmful. The bans have also been seen as a setback for the region's efforts to promote greater acceptance and understanding of LGBTQ+ individuals.

It's worth noting that the bans have not been universally applied, and some countries in the region have allowed the film to be shown without any restrictions.