Pistorius hailed as model prisoner boosting his chances of early release the eagle online

It appears that the article is discussing Oscar Pistorius, a former South African athlete who was convicted of murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in 2013. According to the article, Pistorius has been hailed as a "model prisoner" and this could boost his chances of being released from prison early.

Here's a summary of the article:

Oscar Pistorius, the former South African athlete who was convicted of murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in 2013, has been hailed as a "model prisoner" by prison officials. Pistorius has been serving a 13-year sentence at the Atteridgeville Correctional Centre in Pretoria, South Africa. According to reports, he has been exemplary in his behavior and has been participating in various rehabilitation programs.

As a result of his good behavior, Pistorius's chances of being released from prison early have increased. The South African Department of Correctional Services has a parole system in place, which allows prisoners to be released early if they have demonstrated good behavior and have completed certain rehabilitation programs.

Pistorius's lawyers have been pushing for his early release, citing his good behavior and the fact that he has been participating in various rehabilitation programs. The parole board is expected to make a decision on Pistorius's early release in the coming months.

It's worth noting that Pistorius's case has been highly publicized and has sparked a lot of controversy. Many people have criticized Pistorius for his actions and have questioned whether he should be released from prison early. The decision on Pistorius's early release will ultimately be up to the parole board, but it's clear that his behavior in prison has been a key factor in his chances of being released early.