Pictures videos breaking news

Here are some options for pictures, videos, and breaking news:


  1. Google Images: A search engine that allows you to search for images on the internet.
  2. Unsplash: A website that offers a large collection of high-resolution photos, all released under the Unsplash license.
  3. Pexels: A website that offers a large collection of high-quality photos, all released under the Creative Commons Zero license.
  4. Flickr: A photo-sharing platform that allows users to share and discover photos.


  1. YouTube: A video-sharing platform that allows users to upload, share, and view videos.
  2. Vimeo: A video-sharing platform that allows users to upload, share, and view videos.
  3. Dailymotion: A video-sharing platform that allows users to upload, share, and view videos.
  4. Liveleak: A video-sharing platform that allows users to upload and share videos, often featuring news and current events.

Breaking News:

  1. CNN: A 24-hour cable news channel that provides breaking news and in-depth coverage of current events.
  2. BBC News: A 24-hour news channel that provides breaking news and in-depth coverage of current events.
  3. Al Jazeera: A 24-hour news channel that provides breaking news and in-depth coverage of current events, with a focus on the Middle East and international news.
  4. Fox News: A 24-hour cable news channel that provides breaking news and in-depth coverage of current events, with a focus on politics and current events.
  5. The New York Times: A newspaper that provides breaking news and in-depth coverage of current events, with a focus on national and international news.
  6. The Washington Post: A newspaper that provides breaking news and in-depth coverage of current events, with a focus on national and international news.
  7. Reuters: A news agency that provides breaking news and in-depth coverage of current events, with a focus on international news.
  8. AP News: A news agency that provides breaking news and in-depth coverage of current events, with a focus on national and international news.

Note: These are just a few examples, and there are many other options available for pictures, videos, and breaking news.