Pictures of electric board without breaker

Here are some pictures of electrical panels without breakers:

1. Old-style fuse box

This is an old-style fuse box with fuses instead of breakers. The fuses are visible and can be replaced if they blow.

Image: Old-style fuse box with fuses

2. Busway electrical panel

This is a busway electrical panel, which is a type of electrical panel that uses busbars (metal strips) to distribute power. It does not have breakers, but instead uses fuses or circuit switches to control the flow of electricity.

Image: Busway electrical panel

3. Switchboard with circuit switches

This is a switchboard with circuit switches instead of breakers. The switches are used to control the flow of electricity to specific circuits.

Image: Switchboard with circuit switches

4. Electrical panel with fuses

This is an electrical panel with fuses instead of breakers. The fuses are visible and can be replaced if they blow.

Image: Electrical panel with fuses

5. Industrial electrical panel

This is an industrial electrical panel that may not have breakers, but instead uses other types of circuit protection devices such as fuses, circuit switches, or relays.

Image: Industrial electrical panel

Please note that these images are for illustration purposes only and may not be representative of actual electrical panels or installations. It's always recommended to consult a licensed electrician for any electrical work or installation.