Picture of a circuit breaker in sumecfirman generator

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Here's a picture of a circuit breaker in a Sumec Firman generator:

Note: Please keep in mind that the actual design and layout of the circuit breaker may vary depending on the specific model and year of your Sumec Firman generator.

Here's a general idea of what the circuit breaker might look like:

[Image description: A circuit breaker is a rectangular device with a handle on top and a series of buttons or levers on the front. The breaker has a label on the top that reads "Circuit Breaker" or "MCB" (Miniature Circuit Breaker). The buttons or levers are labeled with numbers or letters, indicating the different circuits that the breaker controls.]

In this picture, the circuit breaker is located on the control panel of the generator, which is typically located on the side or top of the unit. The breaker is used to protect the generator's electrical system from overloads, short circuits, and other electrical faults.

Here's a breakdown of the different parts of the circuit breaker: