Physiotherapy jobs new zealand

Here are some physiotherapy job opportunities in New Zealand:

Government and Public Sector Jobs

  1. Physiotherapist - Auckland District Health Board (ADHB) - Various locations in Auckland
  2. Physiotherapist - Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB) - Christchurch
  3. Physiotherapist - Waitemata District Health Board (WDHB) - North Shore, Auckland
  4. Physiotherapist - Capital and Coast District Health Board (CCDHB) - Wellington

Private Sector Jobs

  1. Physiotherapist - PhysioCo - Various locations in Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch
  2. Physiotherapist - Physiotherapy New Zealand (PNZ) - Various locations in Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch
  3. Physiotherapist - Body Logic Physiotherapy - Auckland
  4. Physiotherapist - Physiotherapy Associates - Wellington

Sports and Fitness Jobs

  1. Physiotherapist - New Zealand Rugby Union - Auckland
  2. Physiotherapist - New Zealand Cricket - Wellington
  3. Physiotherapist - New Zealand Football - Auckland
  4. Physiotherapist - Auckland City Football Club - Auckland

Research and Education Jobs

  1. Research Physiotherapist - University of Auckland - Auckland
  2. Lecturer in Physiotherapy - University of Otago - Dunedin
  3. Physiotherapy Research Fellow - University of Canterbury - Christchurch
  4. Physiotherapy Tutor - Unitec Institute of Technology - Auckland

Other Jobs

  1. Physiotherapist - Home Healthcare - Various locations in New Zealand
  2. Physiotherapist - Hospital-based - Various locations in New Zealand
  3. Physiotherapist - Community-based - Various locations in New Zealand
  4. Physiotherapy Consultant - Various locations in New Zealand

These are just a few examples of physiotherapy job opportunities in New Zealand. You can search for more jobs on websites such as:

Remember to tailor your resume and cover letter to the specific job you are applying for, and to highlight your relevant skills and experience. Good luck with your job search!