Physical therapy jobs in new zealand

Here are some physical therapy job opportunities in New Zealand:

Government and Public Sector Jobs

  1. Physiotherapist - Ministry of Health, Wellington (various locations)
  2. Physiotherapist - District Health Boards (DHBs) across New Zealand (e.g., Auckland DHB, Canterbury DHB, etc.)
  3. Physiotherapy Consultant - Ministry of Health, Wellington

Private Sector Jobs

  1. Physiotherapist - Physiotherapy clinics across New Zealand (e.g., PhysioCo, Physiotherapy New Zealand, etc.)
  2. Physiotherapist - Sports medicine and rehabilitation clinics (e.g., Sportsmed, Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine, etc.)
  3. Physiotherapist - Private hospitals and rehabilitation centers (e.g., Ascot Hospital, Wellington Hospital, etc.)

Not-for-Profit and Community-Based Jobs

  1. Physiotherapist - Red Cross, Auckland
  2. Physiotherapist - St John Ambulance, Wellington
  3. Physiotherapist - Disability Support Services, Christchurch

Research and Education Jobs

  1. Research Physiotherapist - University of Auckland, Auckland
  2. Lecturer in Physiotherapy - University of Otago, Dunedin
  3. Physiotherapy Research Fellow - University of Canterbury, Christchurch

Other Jobs

  1. Physiotherapy Manager - various organizations across New Zealand
  2. Physiotherapy Consultant - private companies and organizations
  3. Physiotherapy Educator - various organizations across New Zealand

Job Search Websites

  1. Seek (New Zealand's largest job search website)
  2. Trade Me Jobs (New Zealand's largest online job market)
  3. Indeed (global job search website with New Zealand listings)
  4. Physiotherapy New Zealand (professional organization with job listings)
  5. New Zealand Physiotherapy Association (professional organization with job listings)

Tips for Job Searching in New Zealand

  1. Register with job search websites and professional organizations.
  2. Network with other physiotherapists and professionals in the field.
  3. Tailor your resume and cover letter to the specific job you're applying for.
  4. Prepare for interviews by researching the organization and practicing common interview questions.
  5. Consider working with a recruitment agency specializing in healthcare jobs.

Remember to check the specific requirements for each job, including qualifications, experience, and registration with the New Zealand Physiotherapy Board. Good luck with your job search!