Php news portal

A PHP news portal! Here's a basic outline to get you started:


  1. PHP 7.2 or higher
  2. MySQL or a compatible database management system
  3. A web server (e.g., Apache, Nginx)
  4. A text editor or IDE (e.g., Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code)

Database Design:

Create the following tables:

  1. articles:
    • id (primary key, auto-incrementing integer)
    • title (varchar)
    • content (text)
    • author (varchar)
    • created_at (datetime)
    • updated_at (datetime)
  2. categories:
    • id (primary key, auto-incrementing integer)
    • name (varchar)
    • description (text)
  3. article_categories (many-to-many relationship table):
    • article_id (foreign key referencing
    • category_id (foreign key referencing

PHP Code:

Create the following PHP files:

  1. index.php (main page):
    • Connect to the database
    • Retrieve the latest articles (e.g., 10 most recent)
    • Display the articles in a list or grid
  2. article.php (article page):
    • Connect to the database
    • Retrieve the article with the given ID
    • Display the article content
  3. create_article.php (create article form):
    • Connect to the database
    • Display a form to create a new article
    • Handle form submission and insert the article into the database
  4. edit_article.php (edit article form):
    • Connect to the database
    • Retrieve the article with the given ID
    • Display a form to edit the article
    • Handle form submission and update the article in the database
  5. category.php (category page):
    • Connect to the database
    • Retrieve the articles for the given category
    • Display the articles in a list or grid

Example Code:

Here's some example code to get you started:

// index.php
require_once 'db.php';

// Retrieve the latest articles
$articles = $db->query("SELECT * FROM articles ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10");

<h1>Latest News</h1>
    <?php foreach ($articles as $article) {?>
        <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="article.php?id=<?php echo $article['id'];?>"><?php echo $article['title'];?></a>
        <span>by <?php echo $article['author'];?></span>
    <?php }?>

// article.php
require_once 'db.php';

// Retrieve the article with the given ID
$article = $db->query("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE id =?", array($_GET['id']))->fetch();

// Display the article content
echo "<h1>". $article['title']. "</h1>";
echo "<p>". $article['content']. "</p>";

Security Considerations:

  1. Use prepared statements to prevent SQL injection attacks.
  2. Validate user input to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
  3. Use secure password hashing and salting for user authentication.
  4. Implement rate limiting and IP blocking to prevent abuse.

Additional Features:

  1. User registration and login
  2. Comment system
  3. Search functionality
  4. RSS feed
  5. Social media integration
  6. Email notifications
  7. Admin dashboard for managing articles, categories, and users

This is just a basic outline to get you started. You'll need to add more features, improve the design, and optimize the code for performance. Good luck with your PHP news portal!