Philippines foreign minister hopeful asean china maritime code ready by mid 2017 #

According to various news sources, including the Philippine Star and the Manila Times, Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary Perfecto Yasay Jr. expressed optimism that the ASEAN-China Maritime Code of Conduct (COC) would be ready by mid-2017.

In a statement, Yasay said that the Philippines is hopeful that the COC will be finalized by the middle of the year, which would be a significant development in the region's efforts to promote peace and stability in the South China Sea.

The ASEAN-China COC is a non-binding code that aims to promote cooperation and confidence-building measures among ASEAN member states and China in the South China Sea. The code is expected to provide a framework for preventing incidents at sea, promoting cooperation on marine environmental protection, and enhancing transparency and confidence-building measures.

The Philippines has been a strong advocate for the COC, and Yasay's statement reflects the country's commitment to finding a peaceful and diplomatic solution to the South China Sea disputes. The country has been involved in several maritime incidents with China in recent years, including the standoff over the Scarborough Shoal in 2012 and the sinking of a Philippine fishing boat by a Chinese vessel in 2013.

The ASEAN-China COC is expected to be a significant step forward in reducing tensions in the South China Sea and promoting regional stability. However, the code's implementation will depend on the willingness of all parties involved to adhere to its provisions and work towards a peaceful and cooperative resolution of the disputes.