Philanthropy news digest

Here's a digest of recent philanthropy news:

Top Stories

  1. Billionaire Philanthropists Pledge $1.5 Billion to COVID-19 Relief: A group of billionaire philanthropists, including Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk, have pledged $1.5 billion to support COVID-19 relief efforts worldwide. (Source: Forbes)
  2. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Commits $250 Million to Global Vaccine Efforts: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has committed $250 million to support global vaccine efforts, including the development of a COVID-19 vaccine. (Source: The New York Times)
  3. The Ford Foundation Announces $100 Million Grant to Support Racial Justice and Equity: The Ford Foundation has announced a $100 million grant to support racial justice and equity initiatives in the United States. (Source: The Chronicle of Philanthropy)

Philanthropic Trends

  1. Impact Investing on the Rise: Impact investing, which aims to generate both financial returns and social or environmental impact, is on the rise, with 71% of foundations and 64% of individual investors reporting that they are already engaged in impact investing. (Source: The Global Impact Investing Network)
  2. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on the Rise: A growing number of companies are prioritizing CSR, with 85% of companies reporting that they have a CSR program in place. (Source: Cone/Porter Novelli)
  3. Giving Circles on the Rise: Giving circles, which are groups of individuals who pool their resources to support a specific cause or community, are on the rise, with 75% of giving circles reporting that they have been in operation for five years or more. (Source: The Giving Circle Network)

Philanthropic Awards and Recognition

  1. The Skoll Foundation Announces 2020 Skoll Award Winners: The Skoll Foundation has announced the winners of its 2020 Skoll Awards, which recognize social entrepreneurs who are working to address some of the world's most pressing challenges. (Source: The Skoll Foundation)
  2. The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship Announces 2020 Social Entrepreneur of the Year: The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship has announced the winner of its 2020 Social Entrepreneur of the Year award, which recognizes social entrepreneurs who are making a significant impact in their communities. (Source: The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship)

Philanthropic Research and Reports

  1. The 2020 Global Philanthropy Report: The 2020 Global Philanthropy Report, published by the Foundation Center and the Johnson Center for Philanthropy, provides an overview of global philanthropic trends and patterns. (Source: The Foundation Center and the Johnson Center for Philanthropy)
  2. The 2020 Philanthropy Outlook: The 2020 Philanthropy Outlook, published by the Council on Foundations, provides an overview of philanthropic trends and patterns in the United States. (Source: The Council on Foundations)

I hope this digest provides you with a helpful overview of recent philanthropy news!