Phil foden is given the worst pep guardiola advice ever

(The scene is set in the Manchester City dressing room. Pep Guardiola is standing in front of Phil Foden, looking serious.)

Pep Guardiola: Phil, I've been thinking... and I've come to a realization.

Phil Foden: (curious) What's that, boss?

Pep Guardiola: I think you should start playing with your non-dominant foot.

Phil Foden: (confused) What? But, boss, I'm right-footed.

Pep Guardiola: Exactly! That's the point. You're too predictable with your right foot. You need to mix it up. Try using your left foot for every shot, every pass, every dribble.

Phil Foden: (skeptical) But, boss, I've never played with my left foot before. I'm not even sure I can control it.

Pep Guardiola: (waving his hand dismissively) Details, details. You'll figure it out. And think about it, Phil. If you're using your left foot, the opposition will be expecting you to use your right foot. It'll be like a little trick you're playing on them.

Phil Foden: (unconvinced) But, boss, what about my strengths? I'm good with my right foot. I've scored goals with it.

Pep Guardiola: (sternly) Strengths are overrated, Phil. I want you to be unpredictable. I want you to be like a wild card on the pitch. And using your left foot will make you that wild card.

Phil Foden: (hesitant) Okay, boss... but what if I'm really bad with my left foot?

Pep Guardiola: (smiling) Ah, then you'll be even more unpredictable! The opposition will be thinking, "Phil Foden is a disaster waiting to happen!" And that's when you'll strike, Phil. That's when you'll make your move.

Phil Foden: (resigned) Alright, boss... I'll try.

Pep Guardiola: (nodding) That's the spirit, Phil! Now go out there and show them what you're made of... or, at least, what you're made of with your left foot! (laughs maniacally)