Petrol price neca lauds nigerian govt

I think there may be a slight mistake in your request. It seems like you meant to ask about the petrol price in Nigeria and the Nigerian government's response, but the title you provided is a bit unclear.

To clarify, the Nigerian government has been criticized for its handling of the petrol price in the country. The price of petrol in Nigeria has been a contentious issue, with many Nigerians calling for a reduction in the price due to the economic hardship it has caused.

In recent times, the Nigerian government has taken steps to address the issue, including the introduction of a new pricing template for petrol. The template is designed to ensure that the price of petrol is more reflective of the market rate, and it has led to a slight reduction in the price of petrol in some parts of the country.

However, the issue of petrol price remains a sensitive topic in Nigeria, and many Nigerians are still calling for a more significant reduction in the price. The Nigerian government has promised to continue working to address the issue and to ensure that the price of petrol is more affordable for Nigerians.

I hope this clarifies the issue. Let me know if you have any further questions!