Peter square new song

You're a fan of Peter Squance, also known as Peter Squance, a talented singer-songwriter!

As of my knowledge cutoff, Peter Squance hasn't released a new song recently. However, I can suggest some of his popular tracks and albums you might enjoy:

  1. "Square One" (2019) - His debut album, featuring the hit single "Lost in the Moment".
  2. "Fading Fast" (2020) - A popular single that showcases his emotive vocals and introspective lyrics.
  3. "Ghost Town" (2020) - Another fan favorite that highlights his storytelling ability and soaring melodies.

If you're looking for new music, you can keep an eye on Peter Squance's social media accounts or sign up for his newsletter to stay updated on upcoming releases!

Would you like to know more about Peter Squance's music style, influences, or discography?