Perez de cuellar ex un secretary general dies

You are referring to Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, the former Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Javier Pérez de Cuéllar Ribera (January 24, 1920 - March 31, 2020) was a Peruvian diplomat and politician who served as the Secretary-General of the United Nations from January 1, 1982, to December 31, 1986. He was the fifth Secretary-General of the United Nations and the first from a developing country.

Pérez de Cuéllar was born in Lima, Peru, and studied law at the University of San Marcos. He began his diplomatic career in the Peruvian Foreign Ministry and later served as the country's ambassador to Canada, the United States, and the European Economic Community.

In 1981, Pérez de Cuéllar was appointed as the Secretary-General of the United Nations by the General Assembly, succeeding Kurt Waldheim. During his tenure, he played a key role in resolving several major conflicts, including the Iran-Iraq War, the Falklands War, and the conflict in Namibia.

Pérez de Cuéllar was also instrumental in the development of the United Nations' peacekeeping operations, and he oversaw the deployment of peacekeeping forces to several countries, including Lebanon, Cambodia, and El Salvador.

After leaving the United Nations, Pérez de Cuéllar returned to Peru and continued to be involved in international diplomacy. He served as the President of the Club of Rome, a think tank that focuses on global issues, and was a member of the International Olympic Committee.

Pérez de Cuéllar passed away on March 31, 2020, at the age of 100, leaving behind a legacy as a dedicated diplomat and statesman who worked tirelessly to promote peace and stability around the world.