Pep claims man city did well against long ball man utd

A classic Pep Guardiola quote!

It's no surprise that Pep would say this, given his team's possession-based style of play. Manchester City, under Pep's management, are known for their high-intensity pressing, quick passing, and dominance of the ball.

When Manchester United, under Ole Gunnar Solskjær, employed a more direct approach, playing long balls over the top of City's defense, Pep would likely view this as a tactical decision that played into City's hands.

By playing long balls, United were essentially giving City the opportunity to showcase their defensive prowess, with City's defenders and midfielders able to win the ball back quickly and launch counter-attacks. This would allow City to exploit United's high defensive line and catch them off guard with swift transitions.

Pep might argue that City's ability to absorb United's long balls and then counter-attack with precision and speed was a testament to their superior technical ability and tactical acumen. He might also suggest that United's approach played into City's hands, allowing them to showcase their strengths and ultimately secure a comfortable victory.

Of course, this is all just speculation, and we can't know for certain what Pep was thinking. But based on his past comments and Manchester City's playing style, it's likely that he would view United's long ball approach as a tactical decision that played into City's hands.