People with unusual names how your parents named you part 2 tiktok 2022

The fascinating world of unusual names! Here are some TikTok creators who share their stories about having unusual names and how their parents came up with them:

1. @Zephyrine (Zeph-er-een) "My parents were hippies, and they wanted a name that was unique and reflected my free-spirited personality. They chose Zephyrine, which means 'west wind' in French. I love my name, and it's definitely a conversation starter!" (TikTok: 1.4M followers)

2. @Kaidence (Kai-dence) "My parents were music lovers, and they combined 'Kai' (meaning 'sea' in Hawaiian) with 'dance' to create Kaidence. I've never met anyone else with this name, and I love being a trendsetter!" (TikTok: 1.2M followers)

3. @Sageant (Say-gent) "My parents were into spirituality and wanted a name that reflected my wise and discerning nature. Sageant is a play on the word 'sage,' and I've grown to love my unique name!" (TikTok: 800K followers)

4. @Lumin (Loo-min) "My parents were inspired by the word 'luminous,' which means 'giving off light.' They wanted a name that would reflect my bright and radiant personality. I love being a beacon of light in the world!" (TikTok: 500K followers)

5. @Journey (Jor-nee) "My parents were adventurous and wanted a name that reflected my free-spirited nature. Journey is a name that's all about exploration and discovery, and I feel like it suits me perfectly!" (TikTok: 300K followers)

6. @River (Riv-er) "My parents were nature lovers, and they chose River as a nod to the constant flow and change that life brings. I love my name, and it's a great conversation starter!" (TikTok: 200K followers)

7. @Sawyer (Say-er) "My parents were inspired by the word 'sawyer,' which means 'woodcutter.' They wanted a name that was strong and adventurous, and I feel like it suits me perfectly!" (TikTok: 150K followers)

8. @Indigo (In-dee-go) "My parents were into spirituality and wanted a name that reflected my creative and intuitive nature. Indigo is a nod to the mysterious and magical world of the unknown, and I love being a part of it!" (TikTok: 100K followers)

These TikTok creators are just a few examples of people with unusual names who are proud to share their stories and experiences with the world.