People page 99

Page 99 of the People book!

Page 99 of "The People" by Zadie Smith is a pivotal moment in the novel. It's a moment of introspection and self-discovery for the protagonist, Nathaniel, as he grapples with his identity and sense of belonging.

Without giving away too many spoilers, Nathaniel is reflecting on his relationships with his family and friends, and the ways in which they shape his sense of self. He's struggling to reconcile his desire for connection and community with his need for independence and individuality.

The passage is rich in imagery and language, with Smith's characteristic wit and insight. It's a powerful exploration of the complexities of human relationships and the search for identity.

If you're reading "The People" and you've reached page 99, I'd love to hear your thoughts! What do you think of Nathaniel's struggles and insights?