Pei news

Here are some recent news articles from Prince Edward Island (PEI):

Local News

  1. New hospital wing opens in Charlottetown: A new wing at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Charlottetown has officially opened, featuring 24 new patient rooms and improved amenities. (The Guardian)
  2. PEI potato farmers face challenges: Potato farmers on PEI are facing challenges due to a combination of factors, including disease, pests, and weather conditions. (The Journal Pioneer)
  3. Charlottetown's downtown revitalization project underway: A major revitalization project is underway in Charlottetown's downtown core, aimed at improving the area's infrastructure and aesthetics. (The Guardian)

Provincial News

  1. PEI government announces new funding for healthcare: The PEI government has announced new funding for healthcare initiatives, including a focus on mental health and addictions services. (Government of PEI)
  2. New ferry service launched between PEI and Nova Scotia: A new ferry service has been launched between PEI and Nova Scotia, offering more frequent sailings and improved amenities. (Marine Atlantic)
  3. PEI's economy grows, but challenges remain: PEI's economy has grown in recent years, but challenges remain, including a shortage of skilled workers and a reliance on a few key industries. (The Journal Pioneer)

National News

  1. Federal government announces funding for PEI projects: The federal government has announced funding for several projects in PEI, including a new community centre and a water treatment plant. (Government of Canada)
  2. PEI's fishing industry faces challenges: PEI's fishing industry is facing challenges, including declining fish stocks and increased competition from other countries. (The Guardian)
  3. New national park established in PEI: A new national park has been established in PEI, featuring a network of trails and scenic areas. (Parks Canada)