Peace corps update news

Here are some recent updates and news from the Peace Corps:

Recent News

  1. Peace Corps Celebrates 60th Anniversary: In March 2023, the Peace Corps celebrated its 60th anniversary, marking six decades of promoting peace and friendship around the world.
  2. New Country Director Appointed: In February 2023, the Peace Corps announced the appointment of a new Country Director for Ghana, Dr. Kwame Amoako-Atta, who will lead the agency's efforts in the country.
  3. Peace Corps Volunteers Return to Service: In January 2023, the Peace Corps welcomed back over 1,000 volunteers who had been serving in countries affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The volunteers returned to their host countries to continue their service.
  4. New Program Focuses on Climate Change: In December 2022, the Peace Corps launched a new program focused on climate change, which aims to support communities around the world in adapting to the impacts of climate change.

Recent Updates

  1. Peace Corps Response Program: The Peace Corps Response Program is a short-term volunteer program that allows experienced professionals to serve for 3-12 months in countries around the world. The program is designed to provide immediate support to communities in need.
  2. Peace Corps' COVID-19 Response: The Peace Corps has been working to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, including providing support to host countries, implementing safety protocols for volunteers, and conducting virtual training for new volunteers.
  3. Peace Corps' Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts: The Peace Corps has been working to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion within the agency, including launching initiatives to recruit and retain a more diverse pool of volunteers.
  4. Peace Corps' Global Health and Medical Services: The Peace Corps has a global health and medical services program that provides medical care and support to volunteers serving around the world.

Upcoming Events

  1. Peace Corps National Conference: The Peace Corps National Conference is an annual event that brings together Peace Corps volunteers, staff, and alumni to share experiences, learn from each other, and celebrate the agency's mission.
  2. Peace Corps' 60th Anniversary Celebration: The Peace Corps will be celebrating its 60th anniversary throughout 2023, with events and activities around the world.
  3. Peace Corps' Global Health and Medical Services Conference: The Peace Corps' Global Health and Medical Services Conference is an annual event that brings together medical professionals and Peace Corps staff to discuss global health issues and share best practices.

I hope this information is helpful!