Peace corps news 24

Here are some recent news articles and updates from the Peace Corps:

Recent News Articles:

  1. Peace Corps Celebrates 60th Anniversary: The Peace Corps celebrated its 60th anniversary on September 22, 2021, marking six decades of promoting peace and friendship around the world. (Source: Peace Corps)
  2. New Peace Corps Director Appointed: President Joe Biden appointed Carol Spahn as the new Director of the Peace Corps on August 31, 2021. Spahn has over 20 years of experience in international development and humanitarian work. (Source: The Hill)
  3. Peace Corps Volunteers Return to Service: The Peace Corps announced that it would be sending volunteers back to service in several countries, including Colombia, Peru, and Rwanda, after a pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Source: NPR)
  4. Peace Corps Launches New Program for Young Professionals: The Peace Corps launched a new program called "Peace Corps Response" aimed at young professionals aged 50-62 who want to serve abroad for a shorter period of time (12-36 months). (Source: Peace Corps)
  5. Peace Corps Celebrates International Day of Friendship: The Peace Corps celebrated the International Day of Friendship on July 30, 2021, highlighting the importance of building relationships and fostering global understanding. (Source: Peace Corps)

Recent Updates:

  1. Peace Corps COVID-19 Response: The Peace Corps has been working to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, including providing virtual training and support to volunteers, and implementing safety protocols for in-country service. (Source: Peace Corps)
  2. Peace Corps Volunteer Safety: The Peace Corps has implemented new safety protocols and guidelines for volunteers, including enhanced security measures and emergency response plans. (Source: Peace Corps)
  3. Peace Corps Recruitment: The Peace Corps is actively recruiting new volunteers, with a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. (Source: Peace Corps)
  4. Peace Corps Alumni Network: The Peace Corps has launched a new alumni network, providing opportunities for returned volunteers to connect, network, and continue their service. (Source: Peace Corps)
  5. Peace Corps Funding: The Peace Corps has received increased funding in recent years, allowing for expanded programs and services. (Source: Peace Corps)

I hope this information is helpful!