Peace corp today news

Here are some recent news articles and updates about the Peace Corps:

Recent News

  1. Peace Corps Celebrates 60th Anniversary: The Peace Corps celebrated its 60th anniversary on March 1, 2021, marking six decades of promoting peace and friendship around the world. (Source: Peace Corps)
  2. New Peace Corps Director Appointed: President Joe Biden appointed Carol Spahn as the new Director of the Peace Corps on February 24, 2021. Spahn has served as the Acting Director since January 2021. (Source: White House)
  3. Peace Corps Volunteers Return to Service: The Peace Corps announced that it will resume sending volunteers to service in several countries, including Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, and Peru, after a pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Source: Peace Corps)
  4. Peace Corps Launches New Program for Young Professionals: The Peace Corps launched a new program, the Peace Corps Response, which allows young professionals to serve for 12-36 months in countries around the world. (Source: Peace Corps)

Recent Updates

  1. Peace Corps COVID-19 Response: The Peace Corps has been working to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, including providing virtual training and support to volunteers, and implementing safety protocols for in-country service. (Source: Peace Corps)
  2. Peace Corps and USAID Partnership: The Peace Corps and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) have partnered to support global health and development initiatives, including efforts to combat COVID-19. (Source: USAID)
  3. Peace Corps Volunteer Safety: The Peace Corps has implemented new safety protocols and training for volunteers, including emergency response plans and mental health support. (Source: Peace Corps)
  4. Peace Corps Alumni Network: The Peace Corps has launched a new alumni network, which aims to connect former volunteers and provide opportunities for networking, professional development, and community engagement. (Source: Peace Corps)

Recent Stories

  1. Peace Corps Volunteer Helps Combat COVID-19 in Peru: A Peace Corps volunteer in Peru has been working to combat COVID-19, including providing virtual training and support to local health workers. (Source: NPR)
  2. Peace Corps Volunteer Helps Rebuild Community in Haiti: A Peace Corps volunteer in Haiti has been working to rebuild a community devastated by natural disasters, including providing support for education and healthcare initiatives. (Source: CNN)
  3. Peace Corps Volunteer Helps Promote Environmental Conservation in Ghana: A Peace Corps volunteer in Ghana has been working to promote environmental conservation, including supporting local communities in sustainable agriculture and forestry practices. (Source: The Guardian)

I hope this information is helpful!