Pdps rally in face of covid 19 is senseless new low ― apc

It appears that the All Progressives Congress (APC) has made a statement criticizing the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for holding a rally amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

The statement from the APC describes the PDP's rally as a "new low" and "senseless" in the face of the pandemic. This suggests that the APC believes the PDP is prioritizing politics over public health and safety.

It's worth noting that the PDP has been criticized for holding rallies and political events during the pandemic, which has raised concerns about the spread of the virus. The APC's statement is likely an attempt to capitalize on this criticism and paint the PDP as irresponsible.

However, it's also important to consider the context and motivations behind the PDP's decision to hold the rally. The party may have felt that it was necessary to hold the event to maintain morale and unity among its members, or to send a message to the government and the public about its stance on the pandemic.

Ultimately, the decision to hold a rally during a pandemic is a complex issue that requires careful consideration of the risks and benefits. While the APC's criticism may be valid, it's also important to consider the perspectives and motivations of the PDP and other political parties.