Pdp steps down zoning for anambra 2021 governorship

I think there may be some confusion here.

PDP stands for People's Democratic Party, which is a political party in Nigeria. Zoning is a process in Nigerian politics where a political party decides to give a particular position or office to a particular region or group of people.

In the context of the 2021 Anambra State Governorship election, it's unlikely that PDP would "step down" zoning for the election. Zoning is a decision made by the party's leadership, and it's not something that can be "stepped down" by an individual or a group.

If you're referring to a specific news article or report, could you please provide more context or clarify what you mean by "PDP steps down zoning for Anambra 2021 governorship"? I'd be happy to help you understand the situation better.