Pdp candidate jimoh ibrahim says inec official asked 1million bribe

A developing story!

Jimoh Ibrahim, the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the Ondo State governorship election, has made a serious allegation against the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). According to reports, Ibrahim claimed that an INEC official asked him for a bribe of N1 million to ensure his victory in the election.

In a statement issued by his campaign organization, Ibrahim alleged that the INEC official, who he did not name, made the demand during a meeting at the commission's office in Akure, the Ondo State capital.

The statement read: "We have just been informed that an INEC official, who claimed to be a high-ranking officer, met with our candidate, Jimoh Ibrahim, at the INEC office in Akure and demanded a bribe of N1 million to ensure his victory in the election."

Ibrahim's campaign organization described the demand as "outrageous" and "unacceptable", and called on INEC to investigate the matter and take appropriate action against the official involved.

This is a serious allegation, and it's important for INEC to investigate and address it promptly to maintain the integrity of the electoral process. If true, such a demand is a clear violation of the electoral laws and could undermine public trust in the commission.

It's worth noting that INEC has not yet commented on the allegation, and it's unclear whether the commission will investigate the matter. However, if the allegation is proven to be true, it could have serious consequences for the official involved and potentially even lead to the cancellation of the election.

We'll continue to monitor this story and provide updates as more information becomes available.