Pdp approves dec 9 national convention

It seems like you're referring to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Nigeria. According to recent reports, the PDP has approved December 9th as the date for its national convention.

The national convention is a significant event for the party, as it will provide an opportunity for party members to elect new leaders, including the national chairman, national secretary, and other officials. The convention is also expected to set the tone for the party's future direction and strategy.

The decision to hold the convention on December 9th was reportedly taken during a meeting of the party's National Working Committee (NWC) on November 24th. The NWC is responsible for overseeing the party's activities and making key decisions.

It's worth noting that the PDP has been plagued by internal crises and leadership tussles in recent times, which has affected its ability to function effectively. The national convention is seen as an opportunity for the party to heal its wounds and move forward.

What do you think about the PDP's decision to hold its national convention on December 9th? Do you think it will help the party to overcome its internal challenges and regain its footing?