Patoranking new song audio download

Patoranking is a popular Nigerian reggae-dancehall singer, and I'd be happy to help you with his new song audio download. Here are a few options:

Latest Songs:

  1. "Abule" (Released in 2020) - This is one of his latest songs, and it's a great example of his unique blend of reggae and Afrobeats.
  2. "Suh Different" (Released in 2020) - This song features Nigerian rapper, Yung6ix, and it's a high-energy track with a catchy chorus.

Audio Download Links:

You can find Patoranking's songs on various music streaming platforms, including:

  1. Apple Music: You can search for Patoranking on Apple Music and download his songs, including "Abule" and "Suh Different".
  2. Spotify: Patoranking's music is also available on Spotify. You can search for his songs and download them for offline listening.
  3. YouTube Music: You can find Patoranking's official YouTube channel, where you can stream and download his songs, including music videos.
  4. Google Play Music: You can also find Patoranking's songs on Google Play Music and download them for offline listening.

Note: Make sure to only download songs from authorized sources to ensure you're getting high-quality audio and supporting the artist.