Patience called adoke useless man not disqualifying buhari 2015 #

It seems like you're referencing a quote or a statement made by Patience Jonathan, the wife of former President Goodluck Jonathan, during the 2015 presidential election in Nigeria.

The quote "Adoke is a useless man" was reportedly made by Patience Jonathan in reference to Mohammed Adoke, the then-Attorney General of the Federation, who was a key figure in the administration of President Goodluck Jonathan.

The context of the quote was that Patience Jonathan was expressing her frustration and disappointment with Adoke's handling of the case involving the former National Security Adviser, Sambo Dasuki, who was accused of embezzling billions of naira meant for arms procurement.

The quote was seen as a criticism of Adoke's perceived incompetence and lack of effectiveness in addressing the corruption allegations against Dasuki and other officials of the Jonathan administration.

As for the second part of your statement, "not disqualifying Buhari 2015", it's likely that you're referring to the fact that despite Patience Jonathan's criticism of Adoke, it did not lead to the disqualification of Muhammadu Buhari, the then-opposition candidate, from the 2015 presidential election.

Buhari went on to win the election, defeating Goodluck Jonathan in a closely contested poll.