Pastor oyakhilome builds faculty of engineering benson idahosa university pics

However, I need to clarify that I couldn't find any information or pictures of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome building a faculty of engineering at Benson Idahosa University.

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is the founder of Believers' LoveWorld Incorporated, a Christian ministry, and he has been involved in various philanthropic efforts, including education. However, I couldn't find any specific information about him building a faculty of engineering at Benson Idahosa University.

Benson Idahosa University is a private university located in Benin City, Nigeria, and it was founded by Archbishop Benson Idahosa. The university has several faculties, including the Faculty of Engineering, but I couldn't find any information about Pastor Chris Oyakhilome being involved in the construction or establishment of this faculty.

If you have any more information or context about this, I'd be happy to help you further.