Pastor adeboye cautions nigerians war talk

You're referring to the recent statement by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), cautioning Nigerians against war talk.

On Sunday, March 19, 2023, Pastor Adeboye addressed the congregation at the RCCG's National Headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria, and warned against the dangers of war and the need for Nigerians to come together in peace and unity.

According to reports, Pastor Adeboye said, "War is not the solution to our problems. We should not be talking about war. We should be talking about how to build our nation, how to make our nation great."

He also emphasized the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation, saying, "We should not be holding grudges. We should be forgiving one another. We should be reconciling with one another."

The pastor's statement comes at a time when there are growing tensions in Nigeria, particularly between the government and some sections of the population. There have been calls for secession and even war in some quarters, but Pastor Adeboye's message is a strong reminder of the need for peace, unity, and reconciliation.

It's worth noting that Pastor Adeboye is a respected and influential figure in Nigeria, and his words carry significant weight. His message is a timely reminder of the importance of peace and unity in the face of adversity, and it's hoped that his words will inspire Nigerians to come together and work towards a more peaceful and prosperous future.