Parklane resident doctors embark on 5 days warning strike saturday

It seems like you're referring to a news article or announcement about Parklane Resident Doctors embarking on a 5-day warning strike starting from Saturday. Here's a possible summary:

Parklane Resident Doctors to Go on 5-Day Warning Strike

The Parklane Resident Doctors have announced that they will be embarking on a 5-day warning strike starting from Saturday. The strike is a response to their demands for better working conditions, improved infrastructure, and increased staff strength.

The doctors, who are residents at Parklane Hospital, have been negotiating with hospital management for several months to address their concerns. However, their demands have not been met, leading to the decision to go on strike.

During the strike, the doctors will not provide medical services, and patients may experience delays or disruptions in their treatment. The strike is expected to have a significant impact on the hospital's operations and may lead to a shortage of medical staff.

The Parklane Resident Doctors have called on hospital management to engage in meaningful negotiations to resolve their demands. The strike is seen as a last resort to bring attention to their concerns and to pressure management to take their demands seriously.

It remains to be seen how the strike will affect the hospital's operations and whether it will lead to a resolution to the doctors' demands.