Paris airport chief tests positive for coronavirus

According to recent reports, the CEO of Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, Augustin de Romanet, has tested positive for COVID-19. This news comes as a surprise, as de Romanet had been a vocal advocate for the airport's safety measures and had been working closely with authorities to mitigate the spread of the virus.

As the head of one of the busiest airports in Europe, de Romanet's positive test is a significant development, and it's likely to have a ripple effect on the airport's operations and passenger traffic. The airport has already taken several measures to reduce the risk of transmission, including increasing cleaning and disinfection protocols, installing hand sanitizer stations, and encouraging passengers to wear masks.

It's worth noting that de Romanet's positive test does not necessarily mean that the airport is a hotbed of transmission. However, it does highlight the importance of taking precautions and following public health guidelines to prevent the spread of the virus.

What would you like to know more about? The airport's response to the outbreak, the impact on passenger traffic, or something else?