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Nation Horrified as Cat Found to be More Annoying Than Previously Thought

Washington D.C. - In a shocking revelation, a team of scientists at the National Institute of Feline Research (NIFR) has discovered that cats are, in fact, more annoying than previously believed.

According to the study, published in the latest issue of the Journal of Feline Irritation, cats have evolved to possess a unique set of annoying traits that are designed to drive humans to the brink of madness.

Lead researcher, Dr. Jane Smith, explained, "We've found that cats have developed a sophisticated system of meowing, pawing, and hairball-hacking that is specifically designed to annoy their human companions. It's like they're trying to drive us crazy!"

The study, which involved observing the behavior of over 1,000 cats, found that the most annoying behaviors included:

The researchers also discovered that cats have a special "annoyance gene" that allows them to detect and exploit their human's weaknesses.

"It's like they have a sixth sense that allows them to know exactly what will drive us crazy," said Dr. Smith. "And once they've found that sweet spot, they'll exploit it mercilessly."

The study's findings have sent shockwaves through the feline community, with many cat owners expressing relief that they are not alone in their struggles.

"I knew it!" said Sarah Johnson, a cat owner from New York. "My cat, Mr. Whiskers, has been driving me crazy for years. Now I know it's not just me!"

In response to the study, the NIFR has launched a new initiative to develop a "Feline Annoyance Reduction System" (FARS) to help cat owners cope with their pets' annoying behavior.

"We're working on a system that will use positive reinforcement techniques to teach cats to behave in a more annoying-free manner," said Dr. Smith. "It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it."

In the meantime, cat owners are advised to take steps to protect themselves from their pets' annoying behavior, including investing in earplugs, noise-cancelling headphones, and a strong sense of humor.

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story!