Paraguay changes mind arrests ronaldinho for fake passport

It looks like there's been a development in the case of Ronaldinho, the Brazilian soccer star!

According to reports, Paraguayan authorities have arrested Ronaldinho and his brother Roberto Assis for allegedly using fake passports to enter the country. The incident occurred on March 5, 2021, when the brothers arrived in Paraguay's capital, Asunción, on a private jet.

Ronaldinho, whose real name is Ronaldo de Assis Moreira, was scheduled to play in a charity soccer match in Paraguay, but his plans were put on hold after the arrest. The 39-year-old former Barcelona and AC Milan player has been detained at a police station in Asunción, along with his brother.

The fake passports allegedly used by the brothers were reportedly issued in the name of "Ronaldinho Gaucho" and "Roberto de Assis Moreira," respectively. The authorities claim that the passports were fake and did not match the brothers' real identities.

This is not the first time Ronaldinho has been involved in a controversy. In 2019, he was banned from playing in the Indian Super League after he failed to appear in court to face charges related to a visa scam.

It's unclear at this point what the consequences will be for Ronaldinho and his brother, but it's likely that they will face legal action and potentially even deportation from Paraguay.

What do you think about this situation? Should Ronaldinho be held accountable for using fake passports?