Pap delta agitators demand inclusion in probe panel

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a current event. Here's a possible summary:

The Pap Delta Agitators, a group of protesters, are demanding to be included in the probe panel investigating the recent events in the region. The group, which has been vocal about their grievances and demands for change, believes that their inclusion in the probe panel will ensure that their voices are heard and their concerns are addressed.

The Pap Delta Agitators have been protesting for several weeks, calling for greater representation and inclusion in the region's governance and decision-making processes. They have also been demanding accountability from government officials and institutions, citing allegations of corruption and human rights abuses.

The group's demand for inclusion in the probe panel comes as the region's authorities are investigating the recent events, which have left several people injured and many more displaced. The protesters believe that their inclusion in the probe panel will help to ensure that the investigation is fair and transparent, and that their concerns are taken into account.

It remains to be seen whether the authorities will agree to the Pap Delta Agitators' demand for inclusion in the probe panel. However, the group's persistence and determination to be heard are likely to continue to be a major factor in the region's ongoing political and social dynamics.