Pantami news

You're referring to Isa Pantami, the Nigerian Minister of Communications and Digital Economy. Here are some recent news updates about him:

  1. Controversy over his past statements: Pantami has been under fire for his past statements on terrorism and extremism. In 2006, he made comments that were perceived as sympathetic to terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and Taliban. He has since apologized for his statements, but the controversy has led to calls for his resignation.
  2. Security concerns: There have been concerns about Pantami's security clearance, with some questioning whether he should be in a position of power given his past statements. The Nigerian government has defended his clearance, saying he has undergone thorough background checks.
  3. Digital economy initiatives: Despite the controversy, Pantami has been pushing forward with initiatives to develop Nigeria's digital economy. He has launched programs to promote digital literacy, improve internet penetration, and boost e-commerce in the country.
  4. 5G network rollout: Pantami has been instrumental in the rollout of 5G networks in Nigeria. He has signed agreements with telecom operators to deploy the technology, which is expected to boost internet speeds and connectivity in the country.
  5. Cybersecurity concerns: Pantami has also been addressing cybersecurity concerns in Nigeria. He has launched initiatives to improve the country's cybersecurity infrastructure and protect its citizens from online threats.
  6. African Union appointment: Pantami has been appointed as the African Union's Special Envoy for Digital Economy and Digital Society. In this role, he will work to promote digital economy development across Africa.

These are just a few of the recent news updates about Isa Pantami. As the Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, he continues to play a key role in shaping Nigeria's digital landscape.