Pakistan news agency

Here are some of the major news agencies in Pakistan:

  1. Associated Press of Pakistan (APP): The official news agency of Pakistan, APP is a government-run agency that provides news coverage on national and international events.
  2. Pakistan Press International (PPI): PPI is a private news agency that provides news coverage on national and international events, with a focus on Pakistan and the Middle East.
  3. Online News Network (ONN): ONN is a private news agency that provides news coverage on national and international events, with a focus on Pakistan and the region.
  4. Pakistan News Agency (PNA): PNA is a private news agency that provides news coverage on national and international events, with a focus on Pakistan and the region.
  5. Dunya News Agency: Dunya News Agency is a private news agency that provides news coverage on national and international events, with a focus on Pakistan and the region.
  6. Pakistan Today News Agency: Pakistan Today News Agency is a private news agency that provides news coverage on national and international events, with a focus on Pakistan and the region.
  7. The News International News Agency: The News International News Agency is a private news agency that provides news coverage on national and international events, with a focus on Pakistan and the region.
  8. Express News Agency: Express News Agency is a private news agency that provides news coverage on national and international events, with a focus on Pakistan and the region.
  9. Geo News Agency: Geo News Agency is a private news agency that provides news coverage on national and international events, with a focus on Pakistan and the region.
  10. ARY News Agency: ARY News Agency is a private news agency that provides news coverage on national and international events, with a focus on Pakistan and the region.

These are some of the major news agencies in Pakistan, but there are many other smaller and regional news agencies that also provide news coverage on national and international events.