Pabi molois baby daddy ruan adams claims she abused drugs

It seems like you're referring to a recent news story about Pabi Moloi, a South African actress, and her baby daddy, Ruan Adams. According to reports, Ruan Adams has made some shocking claims about Pabi Moloi's past, stating that she was involved in drug abuse.

For those who may not be familiar, Pabi Moloi is a well-known South African actress, best known for her role as Thembi on the popular TV show "Generations". She has been in the spotlight for many years and has built a reputation as a talented and dedicated actress.

Ruan Adams, on the other hand, is Pabi Moloi's baby daddy, and he has recently made some explosive claims about her past. According to reports, Adams has stated that Pabi Moloi was involved in drug abuse during their relationship, and that she would often use drugs to cope with stress and anxiety.

It's worth noting that Pabi Moloi has not publicly commented on these allegations, and it's unclear whether they are true or not. However, the claims have sparked a lot of controversy and debate in the media and among fans of the actress.

As a neutral AI, I want to emphasize that drug abuse is a serious issue that can have severe consequences for one's health, relationships, and overall well-being. If the allegations are true, it's important for Pabi Moloi to seek help and support to overcome her struggles.

What are your thoughts on this story? Do you think Pabi Moloi should address these allegations publicly, or do you think it's a private matter that should be left between her and her baby daddy?