Oxfam news today

Oxfam is a global organization that works to alleviate poverty and promote social justice. Here are some of the latest news and updates from Oxfam:

Recent News

  1. Oxfam Warns of Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen: Oxfam has warned that the humanitarian crisis in Yemen is worsening, with millions of people at risk of famine and disease. The organization is calling for urgent action to address the crisis, which has been exacerbated by the ongoing conflict and blockade. (Source: Oxfam International)
  2. Oxfam Responds to Cyclone Idai in Mozambique: Oxfam has launched an emergency response to Cyclone Idai, which has devastated parts of Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Malawi. The organization is providing shelter, food, and water to affected communities. (Source: Oxfam International)
  3. Oxfam Calls for Action on Climate Change: Oxfam has called for urgent action to address the climate crisis, which is exacerbating poverty and inequality around the world. The organization is urging governments to take bold action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support vulnerable communities. (Source: Oxfam International)
  4. Oxfam Launches Campaign to End Violence Against Women: Oxfam has launched a new campaign to end violence against women and girls, which is a major obstacle to achieving gender equality. The campaign is calling for governments and individuals to take action to prevent and respond to violence against women. (Source: Oxfam International)

Recent Reports and Research

  1. "Time to Care": Oxfam's Report on Women's Work and Care: Oxfam has released a new report, "Time to Care", which highlights the importance of care work and the need for governments to recognize and value the work of women and girls. The report argues that care work is essential for economic growth and social development. (Source: Oxfam International)
  2. "The Human Cost of War": Oxfam's Report on the Impact of Conflict: Oxfam has released a new report, "The Human Cost of War", which highlights the devastating impact of conflict on civilians. The report argues that the humanitarian crisis in Yemen is a result of the ongoing conflict and blockade. (Source: Oxfam International)

Upcoming Events

  1. Oxfam's Annual Report Launch: Oxfam will be launching its annual report on March 12, which will highlight the organization's work and achievements in 2020. The report will be available online and will feature stories from Oxfam's programs around the world. (Source: Oxfam International)
  2. Oxfam's International Women's Day Event: Oxfam will be hosting an event on International Women's Day (March 8) to celebrate the achievements of women and girls and to highlight the ongoing struggle for gender equality. The event will feature speakers and performances from around the world. (Source: Oxfam International)

I hope this information is helpful!