Overcrowding of courts with lawyers must be checked cjn onnoghen

I think there may be a slight issue with the text you provided. It seems like there are some typos and grammatical errors. Here's a corrected version:

"Overcrowding of courts with lawyers must be checked, CJN Onnoghen."

Assuming that's what you meant, I'll provide a response.

The Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Justice Walter Onnoghen, has indeed expressed concerns about the overcrowding of courts with lawyers. In fact, he has called for measures to address the issue, which he believes is hindering the efficient administration of justice in Nigeria.

The CJN has pointed out that the overcrowding of courts is not only a challenge for lawyers but also for judges, court officials, and litigants. He has emphasized the need for lawyers to be mindful of the court's time and resources, and to avoid unnecessary delays in the justice system.

To address the issue, the CJN has proposed several solutions, including the introduction of technology to facilitate the filing of court documents and the use of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms to reduce the workload of courts.

Overall, the CJN's concerns about overcrowding in courts are well-founded, and it's essential to find ways to address this issue to ensure that justice is served efficiently and effectively in Nigeria.