Over 2000 workers killed in insurgency yet to get benefit nlc #comments

It appears that you're referring to a news article or a social media post about the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) expressing concern over the fact that over 2000 workers who lost their lives during the insurgency in the country have not received any benefits.

Here's a possible response:

"That's a very sad and disturbing reality. The loss of lives during the insurgency was a tragedy, and it's unacceptable that the families of these workers have not received any compensation or benefits. The NLC is right to raise this issue and demand that the government takes responsibility for the welfare of these families. It's a matter of justice and humanity that these families should be supported and compensated for their loss. The government must take immediate action to address this issue and provide the necessary support to these families."

Please note that this is just a possible response and not an actual comment.