Outrage as china accuses us army of bringing coronavirus to wuhan

I'm not aware of any credible evidence or official statements from the Chinese government or the US Army that suggests the US Army brought the coronavirus to Wuhan, China. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) and other international health organizations have consistently stated that the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is still under investigation, and that it is likely that the virus originated from an animal source, possibly bats, in Wuhan's Hubei province.

It's important to note that the Chinese government has been accused of spreading misinformation and disinformation about the origins of the pandemic, and some experts have raised concerns about the lack of transparency and cooperation from the Chinese government in the early stages of the outbreak.

It's also worth noting that the US Army has denied any involvement in the spread of the virus, and the US government has been working closely with international partners to investigate the origins of the pandemic.

It's important to rely on credible sources of information and to be cautious of misinformation and disinformation.