Our economy will suffer if we do not tackle problem of the poor osinbajo

I think there may be a slight misunderstanding. The quote you provided seems to be a paraphrased version of a statement made by Professor Yemi Osinbajo, the Vice President of Nigeria, during a speech or interview. The full quote is likely to be more nuanced and context-dependent.

However, I can provide some insights on the topic. The issue of poverty is a significant challenge in many countries, including Nigeria. It is indeed a pressing concern that requires urgent attention and effective solutions.

The World Bank estimates that over 40% of Nigeria's population lives in extreme poverty, with many more living in moderate poverty. Poverty can have far-reaching consequences, including reduced economic productivity, increased inequality, and social unrest.

Addressing poverty requires a multifaceted approach that involves government policies, social programs, and individual actions. Some potential solutions include:

  1. Investing in education and skills development to increase employability and economic opportunities.
  2. Implementing social protection programs, such as cash transfers, food assistance, and healthcare services, to support vulnerable populations.
  3. Promoting economic growth and job creation through initiatives like entrepreneurship support, infrastructure development, and trade facilitation.
  4. Improving access to financial services, such as savings accounts, credit, and insurance, to help individuals and households manage risk and build resilience.
  5. Enhancing social safety nets, such as social insurance programs, to provide a financial cushion for those affected by poverty.

As the Vice President of Nigeria, Professor Osinbajo has been advocating for policies and programs that address poverty and promote economic development. His administration has implemented various initiatives, such as the National Social Investment Program (NSIP), which aims to reduce poverty and improve the well-being of vulnerable populations.

In conclusion, while the quote you provided may be paraphrased, it highlights the importance of addressing poverty as a critical issue that requires urgent attention and effective solutions.