Otukpo news

Otukpo is a town in Benue State, Nigeria. Here are some recent news updates from Otukpo:

  1. Otukpo Market Fire: A fire outbreak occurred at the Otukpo Main Market on February 22, 2023, destroying several shops and goods worth millions of naira. The cause of the fire is still unknown.
  2. Benue State Government's Intervention: The Benue State Government has promised to rebuild the Otukpo Market and provide assistance to the affected traders. The government has also set up a committee to investigate the cause of the fire.
  3. Otukpo Community Development Association (OCDA) Election: The OCDA held its election on February 26, 2023, with Mr. Emmanuel Ugbo as the winner. Ugbo will serve as the chairman of the association for the next two years.
  4. Otukpo Youths Protest: Youths in Otukpo protested on March 1, 2023, over the poor state of the town's roads and lack of infrastructure development. The protesters demanded that the government fix the roads and provide basic amenities.
  5. Benue State University (BSU) Students Protest: Students of BSU, who are from Otukpo, protested on March 3, 2023, over the hike in school fees and poor academic infrastructure. The students demanded that the government intervene and address their concerns.
  6. Otukpo Catholic Diocese's 50th Anniversary: The Otukpo Catholic Diocese celebrated its 50th anniversary on March 5, 2023, with a grand ceremony attended by dignitaries from across the country.
  7. Benue State Government's Agricultural Program: The Benue State Government has launched an agricultural program aimed at promoting farming in Otukpo and other parts of the state. The program will provide training and resources to farmers to improve their yields and income.

These are just a few of the recent news updates from Otukpo. If you're looking for more information or specific news on a particular topic, please let me know!