Otobo scandal apostle suleiman gives keyamo one week ultimatum to apologise demands n1 billion damages

It seems like there's a developing story!

From what I gather, Apostle Suleiman, a popular Nigerian pastor, has given Festus Keyamo, a Nigerian lawyer and politician, a one-week ultimatum to apologize for allegedly defaming him. Keyamo is said to have made some comments that Apostle Suleiman believes are damaging to his reputation.

According to reports, Apostle Suleiman is demanding a compensation of N1 billion (approximately $2.7 million USD) for the alleged damages. He claims that Keyamo's comments have caused him emotional distress and harm to his reputation.

It's worth noting that the "Otobo scandal" refers to a controversy surrounding Apostle Suleiman and a woman named Stephanie Otobo, who accused him of being involved in a romantic relationship with her. Keyamo had reportedly spoken out about the scandal, which led to Apostle Suleiman's alleged demand for an apology and compensation.

I'll keep an eye on this story and provide updates as more information becomes available!