Osinbajos executive orders nama begins implementation #

It appears that you're referring to the recent executive orders issued by President Muhammadu Buhari, specifically the ones related to the NAMA (Nigerian Airspace Management Agency) and the implementation of the Osinbajo-led committee's recommendations.

To provide more context, the Osinbajo-led committee was established to investigate the issues surrounding the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA) and to recommend measures to improve its operations. The committee, led by Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, submitted its report to President Buhari, which included several recommendations for reforming the agency.

In response to the report, President Buhari issued several executive orders aimed at implementing the recommendations and improving the operations of NAMA. These executive orders are designed to address the issues of inefficiency, corruption, and lack of transparency that have plagued the agency in the past.

Some of the key provisions of the executive orders include:

  1. The establishment of a new governing board for NAMA, which will be responsible for overseeing the agency's operations and ensuring that it is run in a transparent and accountable manner.
  2. The appointment of a new managing director for NAMA, who will be responsible for implementing the agency's policies and programs.
  3. The establishment of a new framework for the allocation of airspace slots, which will ensure that airlines have equal access to the airspace and that the allocation process is transparent and fair.
  4. The implementation of a new system for tracking and monitoring the movement of aircraft, which will improve the safety and efficiency of air travel in Nigeria.
  5. The establishment of a new committee to oversee the implementation of the executive orders and to ensure that the recommendations of the Osinbajo-led committee are fully implemented.

Overall, the executive orders are designed to improve the operations of NAMA and to ensure that the agency is run in a transparent, accountable, and efficient manner.